A Date to Remember

Sep 06, 2022
man and woman on wedding date

Saturday was my wedding anniversary.

I guess it’s still an anniversary after one of you dies? I’m not sure. There are many things I’m not sure about these days…like my marital status. Single- yes- I think, Married- maybe, wasn’t divorced, Widow- well that’s just a stupid status actually, who added that one? Check all that apply?
I never could remember the date of our wedding. It’s one of those things that the harder I tried to remember the more convinced I was that I  didn’t know the date, 26th or 27th? Same thing happens with my mother’s birthday, same numbers- 26th or 27th. That’s a terrible security question for me to answer. I actually kept the engraved champagne glasses from the wedding just so I could secretly go check the dates.
Dates are funny. I guess it’s like muscle memory- the more it comes around the easier it is to remember. Maybe that’s why it’s been so challenging to remember the anniversary date, only 5 times around.
November 2nd, the last day that you lived. November 14th, the day I brought you home in the fancy Kleenex box and sat you in the bookcase- exactly 365 days from the day we sat on the back porch of our new home in the dark listening to the river in the swing and said “We made it”. I’ll never forget those dates.
So today, I find comfort that for many days, through good and bad, we did make it. And I can honestly say- our marriage was a successful one, till death we did part.
teary eyed naked.

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